Community – Abseiling

    Yeti hanging off the side of a building

“Who amongst you, relishes the thought of watching a one-armed Scotsman, hanging off the side of the IBIS Hotel (ex-Hertford Park) down the town centre, all in a good cause?”

Announced Yeti as he revealed his plan to do an ‘abseiling-for-charity’ event. How on earth anyone persuaded him to do this is a mystery, but no doubt it involved copious amounts of amber nectar and a few single malts. It probably seemed a good idea at the time. Apparently he refused to do it in his kilt . . .

“Thanks to everyone who supported me (and Dave) for the Deaf Blind Charity Abseil yesterday. (29th, Sept 2002) – Yeti

It looked high from the bottom up……from the top down it looked twice as high!!!!!!!!!!!
When Dave and I registered in the foyer of the Ibis Hotel (formerly the Hertford Park) we were given our ‘jump’ numbers and went up in the lift to the top floor, we then went up the stairs to the room where all the lift machinery was, and were kitted out in safety harnesses, helmets and glove(s), this was where a lady was being prepared along with, whom I assumed was her husband, I had a quick lean out of a side window and asked him if he’d seen how high it was. It was only when she led him out that I realised that he was one of the blind ones taking part (what a pillock!) never mind..he just smiled and off he went.
…..there then followed a short climb up a ladder onto the highest part of the hotel. This was the point where we realised that it was too late to back down!

Dave and myself were roped up by the two gentlemen on the roof and had to step through a safety rail, to stand on the edge. I’ve done abseiling before, and years ago, was used to working at heights of over 200 ft, in the oil industry Dave was obviously not. I could tell he was really scared, his shaking made the safety rail vibrate, and the look on his face was one of pure terror.But he managed to let go (probably the bravest thing he’s ever done), lay back and started his descent ahead of me. That took some guts to do, and he has my respect for doing that,as anyone who’s ever done that sort of thing will understand. The first few seconds when you lean back, before the ropes take the full strain, are the worst. But all went well and we reached to ground safely to an enthusiastic round of applause from the crowd.
Thanks to all those who turned up on the day to watch and lend support.

The total raised by the charity on the day was apparently £11,000
